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Broccoli Sprouting Seeds

Certified Organic from USA.

The sprouting rate for these seems to be about 80% to 90%, which is excellent.

  • Days to Sprout: Sprout- 4-5, Microgreen- 7-10
  • Soak Time: 1-2 hours
  • Yield: 1 tbsp of dry seed yields approx. 1 cup of sprouts.

Current scientific research all points to the benefits of eating leafy green vegetables, which in part is due to the tremendous health benefits of Sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is highest in broccoli sprouts; eating a cup of broccoli sprouts will provide the same amount of Sulforaphane of about 25 cups of mature broccoli. 2 tablespoons of seeds will provide you about 8 cups of sprouts (after ~ 5days), that's equivalent to eating about 200 cups of broccoli.

According to one study, Sulforaphane content is highest at around 48h to 72h (soaking time excluded). The sprouts will look tiny at this stage. If you want to put the sprouts in salads, you probably want to wait for 4 to 5 days. We use mason jars plus mesh netting. 2 tablespoons of seeds per jar. 


Certified Organic from Canada.

Alfalfa is an easy, fun sprout with a fresh flavour!

  • Soak Time: 4-8 hours
  • Days to Sprout: 4-5
  • Yield: 1 tbsp. dry seed yields 1.5-2 cups of sprouts.

Storage: Our seeds should sprout well for a year after you purchase them, if stored in a cool dry place. If you'd like to extend the germination life of your seeds, store them in the fridge. If you store your seeds in the freezer, they'll last even longer!

Nutritional Information: Vitamins: C, B6, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Protein, Thiamin, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, and Iron. Minerals: Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese Alfalfa sprouts have a high antioxidant capacity and are high in phytoestrogens.

organic buckwheat

Certified Organic and Sproutable, from Canada.

A mainstay of traditional Eastern European cuisine. Organic Buckwheat Groats are the hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant. Buckwheat groats are gluten free seeds from a plant related to rhubarb. The outer husk is pulled away and the grain-like fruit is harvested and eaten. First cultivated in Southeast Asia thousands of years ago, in time buckwheat journeyed west and took root in Eastern Europe, where it became the star of many classic dishes. Buckwheat is very nutritious, making it popular in many nations across the globe. Buckwheat provides complete protein, including all the essential amino acids.

These groats can be steam-cooked like rice for salads and side dishes or ground in your own mill into fresh flour. Buckwheat also make an excellent hot breakfast porridge or side dish at dinner and can replace rice or any other grain called for in pilafs, casseroles and more. Use Buckwheat in any recipe that calls for whole grains. These soft white seeds have a mild flavor, but when toasted or roasted, they have a delightfully intense flavor. 

organic chia seeds

Certified Organic from Paraguay.

The chia seed was eaten by the Aztecs for strength and endurance and was a main staple food along with corn and beans. This 100% pure Chia is vegan, gluten-free and raw. Use in bars and crackers to bind and in smoothies to thicken.


1. Weight Management 

2. Balance Blood Sugar

3. Vegan omega-3 oils 

4. Help Prevent Diverticulitis

5. Boost Energy Levels 

6. Egg Replacer in Baking 

7. Cut cravings for food

8. Age-defying anti-oxidants


Certified Organic from Canada.

Flax seed is: gluten free, high in omega-3 and fiber, and tastes great.

Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is a beautiful blue flowered plant grown on the plains of Central Canada and the North Central United States. Modern research has taken great interest in flaxseed with study after study confirming that the oil and fiber components of flaxseed have wonderful health benefits.

  • Flaxseed has a high ratio of Linolenic (Omega-3) to Linoleic (omega-6) fatty acids. While many other plant seeds contain a higher ratio of omega-6 fats, flaxseed is the one of the few seeds that contains a much higher ratio of the essential omega-3 fats.
  • Flaxseed oil is one of the richest sources of OMEGA-3 fatty acid, Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) an ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID (EFA). This fatty acid is considered essential, meaning that your body cannot make it but requires it and so must derive all of it from the diet. The average American diet is lacking in this fat. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of Organic Whole Flaxseed provides 9 grms of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Flaxseed is unique in that 48% of its total fat content is omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Flaxseed contains very high amounts of DIETARY FIBER, both SOLUBLE and INSOLUBLE. Flaxseed is 28%-35% fiber, 1/3 of which is soluble, and the other 2/3 insoluble. Soluble fiber also plays an important role in maintaining the “good bacteria” in our bowel, like Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria. Insoluble fiber increases the bulk of stools.
  • Flaxseed is an outstanding source of many essential nutrients, including: proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, folate, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron, thiamine, copper, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

Flaxseed must be finely cut into a meal to get maximum benefits of the OMEGA-3 oil and dietary fiber. We recommend that you buy a coffee grinder and dedicate its use to grinding flax seeds. Once ground, the flaxseeds should be consumed quickly, as the oil inside the seeds oxidizes rapidly.

The recommended daily amount of flaxseeds to eat is about 1–2 Tbsp. The most beneficial amount for maximum nutritional value of ground flaxseed is 2 tablespoons daily. It can be mixed into 10–12 oz. of juice or water. Make sure you use plenty of water when adding flaxseed to your diet. Ground flaxseed can easily be added on top of dishes including: baked products, stir-fry dishes, soup or stews, cereal and yogurt.

Flaxseed is 35–40% oil so a similar amount may be omitted from any recipe requiring oil that also includes ground flaxseed. Similarly, about 1 Tbsp. of ground flaxseed steeped in 3 Tbsp. of water for 2-3 minutes will substitute for one egg in recipes. 


organic hemp nuts

Certified Organic from Saskatchewan, Canada.

These are also known as 'Hemp Hearts'. The shelf life of this hemp is very long due to it's low moisture content and not being prone to going rancid.


  • Energy Metabolism Booster: Hemp is the highest vegan source of Edestin, a simple protein that is responsible for keeping us healthy. All of our hemp products are raw, containing live enzymes that help you digest your food, increase your energy, boost your immunity and help your body function at its best.
  • Detoxifies The Body & Reduces Junk Food Cravings: Hemp is high in the natural antioxidants Vitamin E, Vitamin C and chlorophyll. That chlorophyll is ideal for minerals, but most valued as a blood cleanser.
  • Burns Fat & Supports Lean Mass: Hemp is recognized by the World Health Organization as having a perfect 3:1 balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids for optimum health. These fats stimulate the body’s natural thermogenic system which actually burns fat. The Essential Fatty Acids in Hemp also help muscle recovery and growth.
  • Easy To Digest & Non-Allergenic: Hemp does not contain gluten and is free of the enzyme inhibitor found in soy and other legumes and grains which prevent protein absorption and typically cause gas, bloating and other digestion problems. In addition, there are no known allergies to hemp.
Nigella Black Cumin Seeds

Certified Organic from India.

When it comes to versatility and the power of its health benefits, Nigella seeds (also called black cumin) stand above other botanicals.

A Long History of Therapeutic Use; The black seed of nigella sativa (black cumin seed) has been used for over three thousand years for preventing and treating many different diseases. In ancient texts and historical documents black cumin seed is noted for its therapeutic attributes and ability to support the body in its own natural healing processes. Archeological studies report that black cumin seed seeds have been found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including in the tomb of Tutankhamun. It has been revered as a beauty secret since ancient times as Queen Nefertiti, renowned for her complexion, was, a reportedly a devoted black cumin seed user. Ibri Sina, the Persian physician and philosopher, discussed black cumin seed in the text Canon of Medicine, considered a hallmark publication in the history of human medicine and used as the primary medical text throughout Europe until the 17th century. In it he states that black cumin seed has preventive and restorative features as it “stimulates the body’s energy and helps in recovery from fatigue and dispiritedness.”
What conditions can black cumin seed help address?

  • Cancer. Black cumin seed has potent anti-oxidant properties and these are thought to be behind the cancer prevention properties demonstrated in animal studies. In vitro and animal studies also show inhibition and reduction of tumor growth in various types of cancer including blood, breast, colon, pancreatic, liver, lung, skin, kidney, prostate and cervix. There are also demonstrated benefits as an adjunctive to chemotherapy in humans—for instance, black cumin seed shows a potential ability to decrease the incidence of side effects in children with brain tumors who are on chemotherapy. Its active component, thymoquinone, sensitizes brain cancer cells to chemotherapy, making treatment more effective.
  • Heart Disease and Diabetes. Black cumin seed favorably affects several parameters related to heart disease riskincluding lowering total and LDL cholesterol, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing plaque formation. It also reduces blood glucose, as well as diabetic-associated complications such as neuropathy.
  • Infections. Black cumin seed is a potent antimicrobial with the ability to fight bacteria, parasites, fungi and even viruses. It has demonstrated activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the strain of bacteria that is difficult to treat and resistant to antibiotics. Black cumin seed even reduces viral load and improves other markers in patients with hepatitis C.
  • Neurological Conditions. Black cumin seed has been shown in in vitro and animal studies to be protective of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, depression, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and traumatic brain injury. Learning and memory is also improved in animals given black cumin seed. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties are thought to be responsible for this effect.
  • Immune Disorders. Black cumin seed has been shown helpful in autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis, and also allergic asthma, sinusitis, and eczema. For a deeper dive into the application of black cumin seed for asthma and allergy, evidenced by several human studies, you’ll want to read our recent article by CDP colleagueSezelle Gereau, Functional otolaryngologist: Consider Nigella Sativa for Asthma and Allergy.
  • Pain. Black cumin seed oil, applied topically, is better than moderate dosing of oral acetaminophen (paracetamol) at reducing pain from knee osteoarthritis. Oral black cumin seed oil also has general analgesic effects, according to animal studies.
  • Weight Loss. Supplementation with N. sativa exerts a moderate effect on reduction in body weight, body mass index and waist circumference.

What Form to Take? Seed or Oil? And How Much?
In human clinical trials, dosages of 1-3 grams of black cumin seed powder has been used (orally) for up to 12 months. 2 months is recommended before checking on changes to cholesterol or blood glucose management. Black cumin seed oil is used orally at doses up to 5 mL or 40 mg per kg for up to 8 weeks for therapeutic effects. Topical use, for example for knee osteoarthritis, has included 1 mL applied locally three times per day.

Comparative Study on the Antibacterial Activities of Neem Oil, Mustard oil and Black Seed Oil Against Pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella Typhi and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa


Certified Organic, Kosher, and Gluten-Free Oats from Canada.

Usually oats are heated, so they cannot sprout. These are also called Naked Oats and grow without hulls, so they aren't damaged or killed by de-hulling. Germination Rate: 85-90%.

These oats are grown in fields that are not used in crop rotations for wheat, barley, triticale, rye, or any related species (spelt, etc.) for at least 3 years, and the  majority of our fields have been dedicated gluten free for 10+ years.  All of our facilities and milling equipment are dedicated to gluten-free crops.   In addition to these rigorous standards, we test our oats for gluten contamination after harvest and again after milling.  We test our oats using an ELISA enzyme test which is approved for gluten-free food manufacturers.  Our oats consistently test negative for gluten – below the detectable level of 10 ppm.

Use for Oat Milk, Milling, or Rolled Oats. For fermented oats: soak for 1 day, dry, roll and have with your favourite Nut Milk.

Fermented Rolled Organic Oats

Certified Organic and Kosher, from Canada.

Fermented oats are tasty, more nutritious and are easier to digest than regular oats. Fermented, meaning these oats have been soaked for approimately 5 days and then dried at a low temperature. This effectively reduces the phytic acid or enzyme inhbitors to a very low level. According to Weston Price this is the way the Scots used to eat them as a staple which afforded excellent health. This way the minerals are more available for the body to use. These Oats are not processed with any other products containing gluten, so to the best of our knowledge are gluten-free.

Gastrointestinal Health- Candida


Certified organic from Canada.

These are our recommended peas for growing tall pea shoots as a microgreen. Also great as a short sprout.

Soak Time: 4-8 hours

Days to Sprout: 8 to 10

Yield: 1/2 cup of dry seed yields 4-5 cups pea shoots

Storage: Our seeds should sprout well for a year after you purchase them, if stored in a cool dry place. If you'd like to extend the germination life of your seeds, store them in the fridge. If you store your seeds in the freezer, they'll last even longer!

Contains Vitamins A, B, C and E, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Phosphorus, Potassium, Amino Acids.

organic styrian pumpkin seeds

Certified Organic and Kosher Pumpkin seeds from the Styrian Valley of Austria.

Superior nutty flavour and very nutritious. Sproutable and delicious. Shown to be effective remedy for parasites, supports the gall bladder, aids the prostate and helps irritable bowel.

Health Benefits and Components and biological activities


Amber Quinoa is Grown by Prairie Quinoa in Manitoba.

The Incas of South America referred to quinoa as the “Mother Grain,” and considered it to be sacred. They grew quinoa in the high altitude of the Andes from present Educator, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile & Northern Argentina. There are 3200 varieties of quinoa in Bolivia and 2400 varieties in Peru. It is a small seed about the size of millet, very high in protein and is closer to the United Nation’s FAO ideal balance for amino acids than any other common cereal grain. It is particularly important for vegetarian diets and in correcting deficiencies in legume diets.

Quinoa is high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E and some of the B vitamins. The health and nutritional benefits of Quinoa include: Quinoa is high in protein — its protein balance is similar to milk and has more protein compared to rice, millet or wheat. Quinoa is a good source of riboflavin — riboflavin helps reduce the frequency attacks in migraine sufferers by improving the energy metabolism within the brain and muscle cells. The saponins from quinoa – present in minute amounts in edible quinoa – are used to promote healing of skin injuries in South America, making it a good antiseptic. Quinoa is alkaline-forming, although it is not strongly alkaline-forming, it is comparable to wild rice, amaranth, and sprouted grains. It only has 172 calories per ¼ cup of dry quinoa. Since it is not related to wheat or grain, it’s gluten-free. Millions are discovering they feel better and lose weight when they reduce gluten grains or at least wheat products in their diet. It is a complex carbohydrate with low glycemic index – again it is good for weight management.

*This Quinoa is not certified organic but the grower claims they have never used glysophate and lab testing has found it clean of any pecticide residue in previous years. 


Organic hulled sesame seeds from Ethiopia.
Light coloured and very tasty. We cannot say they are unheated.

spicy sprouting seed mix

Certified Organic mix of Lentils, Radish, Alfalfa, Red Clover, and Black Mustard. 

  • Days to Sprout: 4 to 5.  
  • Soak Time: 4-6 hours.  
  • Yield: 1 tbsp of dry seed yields approx. 2-3 cups of sprouts

Lentils- An excellent source of folate and manganese, and a good source of thiamin, iron, phosphorus, and copper.

Red Clover- Vitamins A, B, C, E, & K; rich in minerals and trace elements.

Alfalfa- Rich in vitamins C and B6, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, protein, thiamin, pantothenic acid, calcium, and iron.

Radish- Great protein source and very good source of vitamins A, B6, C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. 

Black Mustard- Vitamins A & C, minerals.

These should sprout well for a year after you purchase them, if stored in a cool dry place. If you'd like to extend the germination life of your seeds, store them in the fridge. If you store your seeds in the freezer, they'll last even longer! 

organic sunflower seeds

Certified Organic from Bulgaria.

Without Shell. These are similar to the American seeds and seem to have a nuttier flavour than Chinese imports. We like them soaked and redried to make them easier to digest, more nutritious and tastier.  

Nutritional info

organic sprouted sunflower seeds

Certified Organic from Bulgaria.

We have soaked and redried to make them easier to digest, more nutritious and tastier. Great on salads or just as snack. These are similar to the American seeds and seem to have a nuttier flavour than Chinese imports.  

Nutritional info


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