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You Can Heal Your Child's Teeth!

Causes and Treatments for Early Childhood & Childhood Tooth Decay

by Rami Nagel
Summary of the cause, and Treatment of Early Childhood Caries or Tooth Decay

The current theory of tooth decay is not accurate. It is based on an outdated model of germs causing disease. While it is supposed that tooth decay is caused by Strep Mutans, we see that this is either highly unlikely, or impossible since the Strep Mutans would have to act like no other bacteria on the planet to be the cause of tooth decay. Meanwhile, both scientific evidence and anthropological evidence show, that tooth decay is caused when the internal body chemistry becomes unbalanced, and the body becomes deficient, from eating unwholesome foods. We are not told that this is the real cause of tooth decay, because such information does not support the "Business with Disease" Where the dental professions, on a large scale, have an interest in keeping their profits and well-being alive, by promoting a theory that forces people to continue to seek dental Treatment With close to 100% of the United States population being susceptible to tooth decay, it is time we heard the truth.

Tooth decay is a preventable, treatable, and usually curable occurrence. We will learn what its cause is, how to treat it, and what you need to be aware of for your and your child's health. Included on this page, is a protocol to follow, that will and must significantly improve the health of your child's teeth and gums, and it will very likely, slow down, or reverse, the process of tooth decay.

This article is a bit lengthy, but in reading it you will become aligned with the truth of the cause and treatment of child hood tooth decay. To the right is a table of contents, for help. You will also see, at the bottom of the page, x-ray proof, that tooth decay is healable, we will learn also how to prevent it in children.

The theories described on this web site, have worked in my personal case, and have worked in other cases as well. "In a group of children whose mothers had the special nutritional reinforcement during gestation and lactation and who had been provided with the same dietary adjuncts during the winter and spring months of infancy and early childhood, not a single carious cavity has developed. A number of these children are now in public schools. Their physical development is distinctly above that of the average children of their age, as is also their efficiency in school work." Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price, page 297
Why The Current Theory of Tooth Decay Does not Hold Water

Before we examine why teeth really decay, we need to explore the current theory of tooth decay, and see how it seems extremely suspicious under close scrutiny.

Current Theory from ADA “Tooth decay is a destruction of the tooth enamel. It occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.” Here's the link to the ADA site, you can read it for yourself.

1. Action of bacterial Acid does not decay teeth in death.

Skulls with No Decayed Teeth
Image used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

2. Action of Bacterial acid does not cause significant decay in death, even when there is active decay prior to death

From Brian Palmer, DDS Presentation
Arrows point to areas of tooth decay, decay stops progressing at time of death.

3. Breastfeeding does not cause tooth decay, nor does night nursing. It would be an evolutionary mistake, to have the mother's milk be the cause of an unhealthy condition. A full explanation is available at Brian Palmer, DDS's web site.

4. Strep Mutans that are the supposed cause of tooth decay, act like no other bacteria on the planet Strep Mutans, would need to contain the following unique and impossible characteristics to be the cause of tooth decay.

a. They eat food that normal bacteria’s do not eat, including white sugar, white flour, and pasteurized products – these foods are specially processed by industry so bacteria will not eat them, so how can bacteria’s decide to like them inside someone’s mouth?
b. Strep Mutans do not eat food that normal bacteria’s like to eat, such as meat, fish, raw milk, fruit and vegetables
c. Strep mutans are the only bacteria in existence that can survive off of a food with no nutrients, white sugar.

5. White Sugar, and white flour have been specially processed, and treated even with chemicals, specifically to prevent bacteria's from eating those foods. We know white sugar causes tooth decay, and yet, it kills bacteria's. Here's what the Sugar Associations own website says, "sugar incapacitates any microorganisms by its ability to attract water."

6. Even young infants who rarely or never; eat sugar, drink from bottles, drink fruit juice, or eat white flour, get tooth decay. Since the decay can not be attributed to these supposed bacteria's eating the sugar, breast milk is blamed. And yet, I if you go to Dr. Palmer's link, you will see it doesn't. In fact, the sugar in milk, Lactose " is naturally designed to be digested and broken down into its two sugars while in the lower intestine, not while it is in the mouth. While in the breast milk, it is surrounded and protected by antibodies, lactoferrin, etc. which protects it from Strep mutans."

7. Teeth are essentially bones, they do not decay as bones do not decay, and are extremely similar in structure, in a general manner to other bones in the body. Teeth are inside the body, so just because we can see them easily, does not mean they are not a bone. When we have bone loss in the body, it is called Osteoporosis. Do we blame bacteria's for this? When we have bone loss in the mouth, we call it tooth decay, and we blame bacteria's for it. Tooth decay is really therefore, dental bone loss, or Dental-Osteoporsis.

8. New microscope technology shows that bacteria’s are pleo-morphic in nature, not mono-morphic. Pleo-morphic means the form changes, and mono-morphic means that the form of the bacteria does not change. In other words, when you see a dead bacteria on a microscope, it appears like a solid form (mono-morphic), when you view a live bacteria in a microscope, you see that they evolve and change their form, from simple to more complex(pleo-morphic). Thus Strep Mutans are dormant or exist in a small degree in all of our mouths. When the conditions are not healthy in our mouth, due to a lack of nutrients or dysfunctioning body chemistry, then rather than good bacteria's evolving and spreading, the Strep Mutans are concomitant to tooth decay. They exist as an affect, and in a relationship to the mouth. They are not harmful invaders, they are symbotic.

Understanding Why Infants Teeth Decay

Some people are perplexed while one child's teeth decay, and the other child's teeth are immune to decay. The common error is to deduce from these observations, that it must be an infectious bacteria, the Strep Mutans, that caused one child's teeth decay, and the other's to not decay. What makes one child immune, and the other not immune, is nutrition.

Tooth decay is caused by a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the body needed to build healthy teeth. In a study conducted with Rats, rats fed on whole freshly ground wheat, had a calm temperament, and no tooth decay. Meanwhile, Rats fed white flour, were markedly undersized. Their hair came out in large patches and they had very ugly dispositions, so ugly that they threatened to spring through the cage wall at us when we came to look at them. These rats had tooth decay and they were not able to reproduce” Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Chapter 15

“Daily, the calcium and phosphate of the enamel is migrating out of the teeth to the bones, heart, brain and other places where it is needed. This is called by dentists demineralization.”1 Re-enamelization (teeth growing back) of enamel requires several factors, including enough minerals such as calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and the variety of enzymes needed to regrow tooth enamel such as adenosine diphophatase.2 Dr. Weston Price was a dentist who traveled around the world in the 1930’s and 1940’s studying the diet’s of primitive people’s isolated from the modern world. Weston Price found that he could eliminate or greatly reduce bad bacteria’s in the mouth, the supposed cause of tooth decay through diet alone. “These data are typical of clinical cases in which dental caries has been reduced apparently to zero, as indicated by both x-ray and instrumental examination.” 3

Tooth decay begins many generations back. “The weakness of calcium deficiency is passed from parent to child. By following the same paternal pattern of ‘poor food selection,’ each new crop of babies becomes weaker. ‘The sins of the parents are passed on to the third and fourth generation.’”4 The weakness is caused not just by a lack of calcium, but by a lack of fat soluble & water soluble vitamins. “When Dr. Price analyzed the foods used by isolated primitive peoples he found that they provided at least four times the water soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat soluble vitamins from animal foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish and organ meats… Many tribes required a period of premarital nutrition, and children were spaced to permit the mother to maintain her full health and strength, thus assuring subsequent offspring of physical excellence.” 5 Many primitive groups Dr. Price studied had a tooth cavity rate close to 0. Weston Price also noticed in groups following their traditional diet that decayed teeth either fell out painlessly, or they covered themselves over with a hardened layer of enamel. Weston Price treated many cases of cavities with a success rate of over 90%. At the end of this article is a copy of Dr. Price’s tooth decay controlling diet for children. Below on this page on my web site I’ve scanned an x-ray image showing how Price’s tooth decay controlling diet healed a girls teeth which had two cavities per tooth, which full dentures where recommended. 6

Not eating enough nutrients isn’t the only reason why teeth would decay. They also could decay because the body has become too toxic. We unknowingly ingest these toxins daily. The most toxic substances are drugs, white sugar, breakfast cereals, cheap vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils. There is a complete list of toxic elements below. After years of this behavior, combined with smoking cigarettes, too many medications, and lack of exercise, the liver starts to become weak. The liver is the bodies nutrient store house. The toxic accumulations from cellular metabolism, as well as ingested food products inhibit the bodies ability for normal function. It’s very likely that there are deeper health problems than simply tooth decay.

Examples of Tooth Decay from the Work of Dr. Price

Healthy Aboriginies with Straight Teeth without Tooth Decay

Caption Page 172: “Note the magnificent dental arches and beautiful teeth of these primitives. Tooth decay was almost unknown in many districts.”

Unhealthy Aboriginies Poor Teeth and Tooth Decay
Caption page 173: “Wherever the primitive Aborigines have been placed in reservation and fed on the white man’s foods of commerce dental caries has become rampant… Note the contrast between the primitive woman in the upper right and the three modernized women.”

Source: Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Page 172, 173
Images used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
Please note, these white man’s foods where the same foods that white people in Australia regularly ate at the time, and so the modernized Aborigines had a similar incidence of tooth decay and other diseases as the white population versus the disease and decay resistant Aborigines on their natural diet.

Healthy Fijans from Eating High Nutrient Foods

Left: [Fijians] The development of the facial bones determines the size and shape of the palate and the size of the nasal passages. Note the strength of the neck of the men above and the well-proportioned faces of the girls below. Such faces are usually associated with properly proportioned bodies. Tooth decay is rare in these mouths so long as they use an adequate selection of native foods.

Unhealthy Fijans with Missing Teeth caused by Nutrient Deficiency

Right: These natives of the Fiji Islands illustrate the effect of changing from the native food to the imported foods of commerce. Tooth decay becomes rampant and with it is lost the ability to properly masticate the food. Growing children and child bearing mothers suffer most severely from dental caries.
Source: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price
Image used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

Nutrient Deficiency

These graphs are the ones I used to show the importance that Mother's to be need to consume high nutrient foods. The statistics for Men and children are almost the same. On average, with certain vitamins, like vitamin E, 69.4% of the US population is below the USRDA, and the USRDA is sets a MINIMUM standard for life.

Table 3A.--Nutrient intakes: Percentages of individuals with diets below selected levels of the (RDAs), by sex and age, 2-day average [intakes], 1994-96
Vitamin A Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 31.7% 52.8% 68.4%
Women Ages 30-39 30.5% 48.4% 61.0%

Vitamin E Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 24.2% 53.6% 73.8%
Women Ages 30-39 21.6% 49.9% 71.1%

What this means is for example that on average, 73.8% of Women ages 20-29 are below meeting the level of the US RDA requirements for health. 24.2% of all Women in the US ages 20-29 do not eat meet half of the US RDA requirements for minimum nutrition related to vitamin E.

Table 3B.--

Percentage of Women who begin to near the level of Nutrients of Indigenous Peoples (In other words, the amount of nutrients our bodies really need)
Vitamin A Above 200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 - 10.5%
Women Ages 30-39 - 11.5%

Vitamin E Above 200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 - 3.9%
Women Ages 30-39 - 3.0%

What this means is that only 3.9% of all Women in the US eat more than twice what the US RDA recommends for health for vitamin E. In other words, only 3.9% of Women are possibly close to eating the same level of Vitamin E that Dr. Price found Indigenous peoples ate, the amount of vitamin E required for health.


Teeth are made of calcium and phosphorus. Would it surprise you to learn, that we are far below the standard for these minerals when compared to the intake of calcium and phosphorus of our ancestors?

65.1% of Women on average are below the Standard of 1 gram of calcium per day. Only 3.7% of women are at twice the standards, which means, that going into pregnancy, approximately 96% of women are calcium deprived.

Source: Supplementary Data Tables, USDA, 1994-1996
Fluoride& Tooth Paste May make Tooth Decay, Worse!

Other toxic conditions to be aware of are the use of fluoride, or drinking fluoridated water, and using normal toothpaste. Fluoride changes the chemical structure of the of tooth enamel. It temporarily hardens it, but then makes it twice as prone to cavities. Fluoride can also damage the structure of your bones throughout your body. Fluoride is highly poisonous and needs to be avoided. Recently a Harvard study confirmed what we all ready know, that Fluoride use can cause or increase the risk of cancer.

For teeth to re mineralize, the surface of the tooth needs to be clean. Any toothpaste which is pasty contains glycerin. The glycerin takes about 27 washes with water to remove from the tooth’s surface. There are many alternative products such as tooth liquids, tooth powders, sea salt and baking soda, and herbs to clean and treat teeth.
Introduction to Cause and Treatments of Early Childhood Tooth Decay

The method for healing children's teeth begins as follows. Preferably your child is breastfeeding. Since the cause of tooth decay, as we now know, is a deficiency in nutrients, caused by wrong diet choices prior to conception, during pregnancy and during the lactation phase, we heal tooth decay by providing a remedy to the nutrient loss. The vehicle for these nutrients is breast milk. So breastfeeding is extremely helpful, and that includes night feeding.

If your child is not breastfeeding, then you can modify the suggestions and still produce excellent results. After the treatment protocol and some pictures, I have provided you with a list of foods you must avoid. As the toxic conditions created in the bloodstream by these foods, is a substantial factor in your child's tooth decay. In trying these Treatments you will also find many other health improvements in your child, including increased alertness, intelligence, and a more positive mood.

While it is possible that your child's teeth may still decay even on this protocol, you will find that the secondary dentine, the middle layer of the tooth, can regrow. What happens on this protocol, is that there are enough nutrients, body building substances and proper body chemistry to ensure that the tooth pulp, the inner layer of the tooth does not get exposed. When the pulp is protected, their will be no infection. No infection, means no pain. No pain, means you do not need to have a dangerous medical procedure done on your child!!!!!

My daughter's one tooth crumbled away. Now the stub of that tooth, is has hard as a diamond. The butter oil, and the special dietary protocols we are following are the cause of it.

The Bodies True Needs of Calcium and Phosphorus

Probably the main cause of tooth decay, is a deficiency in Calcium and Phosphorus in the womb time, and in the breast milk. Since the infant is growing at a rapid rate, it will exhaust the mother's supply of bone building nutrients rapidly, so the supply must be replenished quickly. From several sources, including the analysis by Weston Price of the Diets of Eskimo's, of Canadian Indians, of the Swiss in the Alpine Valley's, by analysis of dietary patterns of the Masai in Africa, and of a study done in 1910 Hoffstrom, the average, calcium need for pregnancy and lactation is 2.5 grams per day! The Average phosphorus need, is 4 grams per day.

Making Corrections to the Breast Feeding Mother's Diet

0. Purchase the cookbook based on the work of Dr. Weston Price, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

1. Increase Calcium and Phosphorous Intake - For example, 4 cups or raw grass fed milk, and 5 ounces of a high quality hard cheese, will provide about 2.5 grams of calcium per day. Phosphorus can be added in the form of whole grains, soaked and sprouted, or meats and organ meats. Milk must be from grass fed raw milk, and cheese or yogurt preferably from grass fed organic sources. 4 cups or raw milk, gives about 1.2 grams of calcium. 1 cups of yogurt is .3 grams of calcium. 3.5 ounces of high quality hard cheese is 1 gram of calcium. Goat's milk products are fine. If you have problems with milk, consider yogurt and kefir, which are fermented. Vegetable sources of calcium are Dark Leafy Greens and Broccoli, about 6 cups of chops greens gives you 1 gram of calcium. 3.75 ounces of sardines gives you .3 grams of calcium.

2.Take Butter Oil mixed with High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil. There are several sources for cod liver oil, that will be listed below, and several methods for taking and making butter oil which will be listed below. Mother can take anywhere from 1/2 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons of the special cod liver oil daily, taken in small doses throughout the day with the butter oil. Do not buy just regular cod liver oil from the store, it has synthetic vitamins and is likely toxic. The amount of butter oil is anywhere from 1/2 teaspoon of the "X-Factor Gold" Butter oil. To 2-6 tablespoons of clarified high vitamin butter.

(caution: it is possible to overdose on cod liver oil, trust your instincts with the amount, or consult your health care provider)

3. Other high nutrient foods for mother.

* Organ meats & Bone Marrow from Pasture Fed Animals like Liver, kidney’s, and heart
* Farm Raised Eggs, especially the yolks
* Oily fish or Lard daily, like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and anchovies
* Fish eggs; High quality fish liver oils, Fish Organs; Shellfish, and wild Crab (Crab is my wife’s favorite.)

Additional foods that replenish nutrients are:
Lacto-Fermented Foods and Beverages to enhance digestion and assimilation, Bone broths such as fish or chicken soup broth, Fresh or cooked fruits, Soaked, and sprouted nuts finely ground, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Really Raw Honey (child must be over 1 year), Sprouted/ fermented grains, freshly ground at home, especially Quinoa(for Mother’s only as young children do not absorb grains well), and Herbs including Horsetail, lemon grass, red raspberry leaf, nettle’s, lemon balm, rose hips, and cinnamon.

4. Mother Needs to Eat a High Fat Diet

If you think you need to avoid saturated fat, your wrong. You only need to avoid fat from unhealthy animal sources, such as non-organic products, and from low quality vegetable oils, and pasteurized/homogenized products. Learn about fat, at the Cholesterol Myth's Page.

Making Corrections to the Young Child's Diet

1. High Quality Raw grass fed milk, as much as they like, as well as cheese, yogurt and kefir.

2. Butter Oil and Cod liver oil. 1/4 teaspoon of x-Factor Gold, and 1/4 teaspoon High Vitamin Cod liver oil, taken in small amounts throughout the day. If you have regular clarified butter, than more butter can and should be eaten, yum.
(Caution: it is possible to overdose on cod liver oil, trust your instincts on the amount, or consult your health care provider)

3. Consumption of dark leafy green vegetables, and carrots, cooked, along with bone broths made from beef, chicken or fish stock.

4. Oily fish, or shellfish if appropriate.

How to Get the Butter Oil & Cod Liver Oil

Butter Oil, is a key ingredient to re-enameling teeth because it contains certain fats and activating substances that help bond the nutrients in the body to the bones. The butter must be from cows or goats eating rapidly growing green grasses.

1. X-Factor Gold, pre-made product is purchasable Online , Let them know you heard about their product from my web site.

2. Purity Farms Ghee (this method is untested right now, but it may work) it must be from dates that say 06 XX XX, 07 XX XX, or 08 XX XX

3. Make your own butter oil!!!!!!! (ghee)

There are several types of imported butter that you can use to make butter oil with. The best one is called, Anchor, and it is from New Zealand. (Available in the Bay Area at the Milk Pail Market in Mountain View, and the Los Altos Whole Foods)

To find it ?? Contact New Zealand Milk (america) 6363 NW 6 Way, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 - (954)-377-8880

Another high quality butter is the brand Kerrigold from Ireland, another Jana Valley from New Zealand. Whole foods carries some of these butters. Basically, any butter that is very yellow colored from grass fed cows. The Anchor butter, has an orange hue, which means that it has a very high level of Activator X. It is a good idea to only use these butter’s in the form of butter oil, as they have been pasteurized which may destroy some of the milk solids and make them toxic. To make butter oil, heat the butter is a sauce pan, at a very low temperature to make sure the butter does not burn. After a couple of minutes, the butter will start to separate, and you will see these white clumps that look like cottage cheese. Remove the clumps by carefully skimming them off the top and then by using a strainer. Refrigerate the butter oil, and eat lots of it as I suspect some of the vitamins have been lost from the long storage. Eats lots of it

4. Local Butter!

When local butter is from cows that have been grazing on freshly growing green grass, it will have a yellow color. Buy loads of this butter and freeze it, eat lots of it throughout the year.

Cod Liver Oil

Almost every brand of cod liver oil has synthetic vitamins added. Their benefit is questionable, and their toxic burdens likely high. In the stores you can find the Garden of Life Icelandic Cod Liver oil, which contains no toxic additives.

Online you can order from these three companies a high quality cod liver oil, with the natural vitamins added back.

Green Pasture’s - Blue Ice, High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil, (402) 338-5551,
Dr. Rons - High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil 1-877-472-8701,
Radiant Life - Premier High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil, (888) 593-8333,
Weston Price’s Controlling Tooth Decay Diet

4 ounces of tomato juice or orange juice and a teaspoonful of a mixture of equal parts of a very high vitamin, natural cod-liver oil (1/2 tsp), and especially high vitamin butter oil (1/2 tsp) was given at the beginning of the meal. The child received a bowl containing a pint of very rich vegetable and meat stew made largely from bone marrow and fine cuts of tender meat. Plenty of yellow carrots in where in this soup. Cooked fruit with very little sweetening and rolls made from freshly ground whole wheat and spread with high vitamin butter. The wheat for the rolls where ground fresh every day in a motor driven coffee mill. Each child was given also 2 glasses of fresh whole milk. The menu was varied from day to day by substituting the meat stew for fish chowder or organs of animals. This one meal contained an entire days supply of Calcium, and double the normal supply of phosphorus. 22

X-Rays of Cavities in Teeth Healing, from Dr. Price

Below is are pieces of a large photograph from one girls case. Dr. Price writes, for fig 137 "Case of a girl who had forty-two cavities in twenty-four teeth. With the diet reinforced with Activator X, the pulp chambers built secondary dentin and all the teeth where saved. Full dentures had been recommended." In other words, they where going to remove all of this girl's teeth.



Tooth Cavity X-ray

Before, Notice how the two right teeth are gray with small white spots, the white is the tooth enamel.

X-Ray Showing Enamel Growth

After, I believe this x-ray is taken six month's later, notice the teeth on the right with much thicker enamel.
Tooth Cavity X-ray X-ray showing Enamel Growth in Tooth
Tooth Cavity X-ray X-ray showing enamel growth
Tooth Cavity X-ray in Tooth X-ray showing enamel Growth in Teeth

Source: Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Around Page 289
Images used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

Two other Examples, Remember, the gray part breaching into the tooth is a cavities, the white part is tooth enamel.

Before and After Cavity in Teeth Healing
Before and After Cavity in Tooth Healing

Source: Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Page 289
Images used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

Healing Tooth Decay

Tooth decay and tooth healing happens through two mechanisms. #1 From within the tooth from a toxic blood supply or a deficient blood supply to the tooth. #2 Defective saliva within the mouth. “I feel perfectly confident that both inside the tooth and outside on the surface new construction is occurring constantly, even if at a slow rate.” 17 “Nearly all tooth decay comes from the blood stream, saliva, and the inside of the teeth, not only from the external surface. The teeth deteriorate but it is from the toxic blood stream and the enamel-destroying toxic saliva which is the result of an impure blood stream.” 18

Germs are a secondary factor in tooth decay. So even if the adult’s teeth and mouth are totally clean and void of bacteria’s, the tooth will still decay. The tooth will still decay because there are not enough minerals in the body, primarily Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus, to create a new tooth surface. This also means if your child has tooth problems, that their overall body is both weak and depleted as the minerals are moving from the teeth to other more important parts.

Preventing Tooth Decay

Ideally we would prevent tooth decay before it started. How do we do this?

Tooth decay begins from an inherited weakness. The primary weakness is not usually genetic heritage, but from nutritional heritage. A lack of nutrients and body building substances during pregnancy, from a mother who is nutrient deficient, is the main origin of tooth decay in young children.

Ideally, mother's could follow the nutritional protocols listed on this web site, during pregnancy, to help prevent tooth decay. Of particular importance during pregnancy is the consumption of the butter and cod liver oil mixture.

I will soon have a web site dedicated to pre-conception health.

Foods to Avoid!

More about Diet and Proper Tooth Care, Foods that Deplete minerals and create chemical imbalances in your body

White Sugar, evaporated Cane Juice, Corn Syrup, and Organic Cane Sugar – White Sugar is a skeletonized product, in order to have a long shelf life, all of it’s main constituents are removed.

Scientific evidence against sugar has been mounting for decades. As early as 1933 research showed that increased consumption of sugar caused an increase in various disease conditions in school children. Sugar, especially fructose, has been shown to shorten life in numerous animal experiments. In the 1950’s British researcher Yudkin published persuasive findings that excessive use of sugar was associated with the following conditions: release of free fatty acids in the aorta, increase in blood insulin levels, increase in blood corticosteroid levels, increase in gastric acidity, shrinkage of the pancreas and enlargement of the liver and adrenal glands. Numerous subsequent studies have positively correlated sugar consumption with heart disease… A survey of medical journals in the 1970s produced findings implicating sugar as a causative factor in kidney disease, liver disease, shortened life span, increased desire for coffee and tobacco, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. 7 Finally sugar consumption was proved by Dr. Melvin Page to leech calcium out of our bones. 8 This is how sugar contributes to tooth decay, it has little to do with sugar resting on the surface of the tooth.

The vitamins and minerals needed to properly digest sugar are removed from sugar by various chemical processes. The purpose of removing these essential nutrients, is that with these nutrients removed, sugar has an almost limitless shelf life. It is used commonly in our food to mask foul flavors from chemical processing, and to preserve factory made foods. I believe that the denatured sugar which we eat, adheres to the law of balance. After having been sucked dry of all it’s life force, it enters the body and attempts to create it’s own homeostasis. The body, consisting of more life force than sugar, transfer’s it’s nutrients to the sugar, to bring it back into balance.

White Flour and Flour products - White flour has had it’s vitamin and mineral content removed to do it’s high level of rancidity. Freshly ground flour seldom stays good for more than two weeks even when it is refrigerated. To solve this problem, food manufacturer’s remove the vitamins and minerals from the flour to prevent it from going rancid. This was done with the selfish motive of profit for the food company, not in harmony with nature’s law of balance. “[i]n the production of refined white flour approximately eighty percent or four-fifths of the phosphorous and calcium content are usually removed, together with the vitamins and minerals provided in the embryo or germ. The evidence indicates that a very important factor in the lowering of the reproductive efficiency of womanhood is directly related to the removal of vitamin E in the processing of wheat.” 9 Because the vitamins in the flour create a synergistic effect on the body, there’s little chance that any of the phosphorous in the devitalized flour is absorbable.

Low cost Vegetable Oils and Hydrogenated Oils – It is important to understand that, of all substances ingested by the body, it is polyunsaturated oils that are rendered most dangerous by food processing, especially unstable omega-3 linolenic acid. In the old days oil was extracted with slow moving stone presses. In large factories seeds are heated to 230 degrees farenheit. The oil is then squeezed out at pressures from 10 to 20 tons per inch. In order to extract oil from the final pulp, chemicals are added such as hexane. The solvent is boiled but up to 100 part per million remain in the oil. The solvent is toxic, and it also bonds to toxic pesticides in the seeds. The high temperature processing causes the weak carbon bonds of the unsaturated fatty acids to break apart, thereby creating dangerous free radicals. The normal antioxidants to clean up the free radicals have been destroyed by the high temperature processing. And finally BHT and BHA, both suspected of causing cancer and brain damage are added to the oils to replace the lost natural preservatives which where destroyed by the heat processing. 10Any cheap oil, such as soy, corn, cottonseed, canola, ect. falls under this category. Still want to eat this oil?

Partially hydrogenated margarines and shortening are even worse for you than the highly refined vegetable oils from which they are made because of chemical changes that occur during the hydrogenation process. Man made trans fats are toxins to the body, but unfortunately your digestive system does not recognize them as such. Instead of eliminating them, your body incorporates the trans fats into the cell membranes as though they where naturally occurring fats called cis fats. Your cell actually become partially hydrogenated. This interferes with cellular metabolism because it changes the normal chemical reactions which take place in the cell. 11

Iodized Salt – Normal table salt is highly refined. Salt is the product of a chemical and high temperature industrial process that removes all the valuable magnesium salts as well as trace minerals naturally occurring in the sea. To keep salt dry, salt refiners adulterate this “pure” product with several harmful additives, including aluminum compounds. To replace the natural iodine salts that are removed during processing, potassium iodide is added in amounts that can be toxic. To stabilize the volatile iodide compounds, the processors add dextrose which turns the iodized salt a purplish color. A bleaching agent is then necessary to restore whiteness to the salt. Far different than natural sea salt, refined salt can lead to sodium starvation as well as an over stimulation of the glandular system contributing to a host of degenerative diseases. 12

Pasteurized Milk & powdered Milk – The milk sold in the supermarket is bad for everybody. The modern milk cow is a mutant cow which produces three to four times as much milk as a standard cow. This mutant cow has been selectively bred from cows who have active pituitary glands, and is then fed an excessively high protein diet. These overactive pituitary glands produce growth hormones, which are present in today’s milk supply. While small amounts of hormones in cows milk is okay, excessive pituitary hormones are also associated with tumor formation, and some studies link milk consumption with cancer. The freak pituitary cow is prone to many diseases. She almost always secretes pus into her milk and needs frequent doses of antibiotics. The high protein feed these cows eat is made from soy beans. This is not the cows natural diet, and there is no scientific information as to the quality of the protein in the soy fed milk. Pasteurizing milk is no guarantee of cleanliness. There was a salmonella outbreak in 1985 in Illinois affecting 14,000 people. Pasteurization destroys the helpful organisms found in raw milk, leaving the finished product devoid of any protective mechanism should undesirable bacteria inadvertently contaminate the supply. Heat alters the milk’s amino acids, it promotes rancidity of unsaturated fatty acids and destruction of vitamins. Vitamin C loss exceeds 50%, and other vitamin loss runs as high as 80%. Vitamin B-12 is totally destroyed. Milk comes with enzymes which help the body digest the milk. Pasteurization kills all of these enzymes. After pasteurization synthetic vitamin D-2 may be added which has been linked to heart disease. Because milk is devoid of its enzyme content, it puts an enormous strain on the body’s digestive mechanism. In the elderly, and those with milk intolerance or weak digestion, the milk passes through not fully digested and can build up around the tiny villi of the small intestine preventing the absorption of the vital nutrients and promoting the uptake of toxic substances.13

Soy Milk, Soy Meat, Soy Protein, Soy Formula and Tofu – Soy protein powder is high in mineral-blocking phytates, thyroid depressing phytoestrogens and potent enzyme inhibitors that depress growth and cause cancer. Phytates are substances that block the absorption of minerals in the body. Soybeans are high in phytates and contain potent enzyme inhibitors that are only deactiviated by fermentation and not by ordinary cooking. These inhibitors can lead to protein assimilation problems in those who consume unfermented soy product frequently. Soy milk often substituted for cow’s milk, also has a high phyatate content and can lead to mineral dieficiences. Phytoestrogens found in soy foods, although touted as panaceas for heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis, are potent endocrine disrupters as well as goitrogens – substances that depress thyroid function. 14

Unsoaked Grains and Nuts, including Cereal, Granola, Peanut Butter, Bread, and Pasta, Cracker’s and Cookies, including Organic varieties– Phosphorus in the bran of whole grains is tied up in a substance called phytic acid. Phytic acid combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in the intestinal tract, blocking their absorption. Whole grains also contain enzyme inhibitors that can interfere with digestion. Whole grains that have been processed by high heat and pressure to produce puffed wheat, oats, and rice are actually quite toxic and have caused rapid death in test animals. Breakfast cerals can have more adverse effects on blood sugar then refined sugar and white flour because they have been processed at high temperatures and pressures to make their shapes. This process leaves phytic acid intact but destroys phytase, an enzyme that breaks down some of the phytic acid in the digestive tract. Most grains and legume available in supermarkets have been treated numerous times with pesticides and other sprays that inhibit mold and vermin. 15 I used to eat organic breakfast cereal, sometimes made with puffed wheat. These grain cereals did not have pesticides and other harmful chemical additives, as they where organic. However, being organic just meant that my toxic puffed oats where free of other possibly dangerous substances. Good thing I used organic! J

Non-Pasture Fed Meat & Eggs – The meat, milk, and eggs in our supermarkets are highly contaminated and vastly inferior in nutritional quality to those available to our ancestors just a few decades ago. Modern cattle-raising techniques include the use of steroids to make meat more tender and antibiotics that allow cattle to survive in crowded feedlots. Diseased animals routinely pass inspection and find their way into the food supply. Chicken are raised in crowded pens, often under artificial light both night and day and fed on substandard food. Their eggs are inferior in nutritional qualities to those of free-range, properly nourished hens. According to renowned cancer specialist Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, most chicken and nearly half the beef consumed in America today is cancerous and pathogenic. Her research has convinced her that these cancers are transmissible to man. 16

Overview of Food Considerations

for more detailed for information, start by examing my 7+ Habits of Highly Nutritious People

NPD Chapter 19 near the end - "We have many other expressions of this borrowing process. Much of what we have thought of as so-called pyorrhea in which the bone is progressively lost from around the teeth thus allowing them to loosen, constitutes one of the most common phases of the borrowing process. This tissue with its lowered defense rapidly becomes infected and we think of the process largely in terms of that infection. A part of the local process includes the deposit of so-called calculus and tartar about the teeth. These contain toxic substances which greatly irritate the flesh starting an inflammatory reaction. Many primitive peoples not only retain all of their teeth, many of them to an old age, but also have a healthy flesh supporting these teeth. This has occurred in spite of the fact that the primitives have not had dentists to remove the deposits and no means for doing so for themselves. Note particularly the teeth of the Eskimos. The teeth are often worn nearly to the gum line and yet the gum tissue has not receded. Many of these primitive groups were practically free from the affection which we have included in the general term of pyorrhea or gingivitis. Pyorrhea in the light of our newer knowledge is largely a nutritional problem. While nutrition alone often will not be adequate for correcting it, when established practically no treatment will be completely adequate without reinforcing the nutrition in so far as deficient nutrition has been a contributing factor. Nutrition plus the frequent removal of deposits, plus suitable medication will check and prevent pyorrhea but not correct the damage that has already been done. The elements that are chiefly needed in our nutrition are those that I have outlined as being particularly abundant in the menus as used by several of the primitive races. These are discussed in detail in Chapter 15."

Links to Natural Dentists:
Also this doctor talks about putting sealants on the teeth rather than caps.

These are just some ideas, I am not a dentist, so I cannot treat or suggest a treatment for your program. Take responsibility for your health. And know that, by following the Dietary protocols explained by Dr. Price, many people have stopped or reversed their tooth decay. The enamel can hypothetically cover the tooth's surface, so that the decay stops progressing. This is accomplished with special dietary guidelines, and a supplement of high vitamin cod liver oil, mixed with high vitamin butter oil, (or large amounts of high vitamin butter).

You must also see my foods to avoid list, and avoid the foods mentioned because they can deplete the body of nutrients.

good luck,

Foods that remove minerals from body and cause tooth decay and general depletion.

* Almost every kind of sugar, even organic, especially fruit juices
* Bread, wheat, cookies, crackers, cereals, grains, nuts, seeds, pasta’s
* Peanut Butter
* Any processed baby food
* Soy or soy formula
* Pasteurized milk
* Dried Fruit
* Iodized salt – cheap processed salt.
* Non-organic animal products such as eggs, meat, chicken ect.

Foods that can heal teeth by revitalizing your Blood

* Eat blended greens or softly cooked vegetables regularly
* Key Vegetables for soup:
* Kales (and lots of dark greens), Zucchini, Celery, Green Beans, Potatoes
* Add copious amounts of seaweed when the broth is done and the soup is cooler.
* Never discard the vegetable liquid, it contains numerous vitamins.
* Raw Grass Fed Butter
* Organic and raw yogurt, and kefir
* Raw Grass fed Goat and Cow Milk.
* Cod Liver Oil (must be taken with the raw butter)
* Lacto-Fermented Foods and Beverages to enhance digestion and assimilation
* Finely mashed up proteins from - Eggs, Fish, Organ Meets, or other meets (grass fed only please!)
* Bone broth such as fish or chicken soup broth
* Fresh or cooked fruits
* Soaked, and sprouted nuts finely ground
* Really Raw Honey (may be okay)
* Sprouted/ fermented grains,
* There are many herbs that can be cautiously used to provide minerals to the teeth,
* These include Horsetail, lemon grass, red raspberry leaf, nettle’s, lemon balm.

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