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Here are some recommended readings we found and posted on our website.
Vitamin K2-On the Trail of the Elusive X- Factor
Article Summary In 1945, Dr. Weston Price described “a new vitamin-like activator” that played an influential role in the utilization of minerals, protection from tooth decay, growth and development, reproduction, protection against heart disease and the function of the brain.Using a chemical test, he determined that this compound—which he called Activator X—occurred in the butterfat, organs and fat of animals consuming rapidly growing green grass, and also in certain sea foods such as fish eggs.Dr....
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22.4% Sodium Chlorite solution mixing instructions
The Sodium Chlorite flakes are 80% pure. The rest is mostly salt and some trace minerals. This is why you mix 28% flakes with 72% distilled water so you end up with 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution. Mix: 280 grams of Sodium Chlorite Crystals + 720 ml of distilled water. (If you would rather weigh the water for more accurate measurements 720 ml = 720 grams) Caution: Do not use any metal in the making...
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5 Monkeys
Five monkeys were put into a regular monkeys’ cage, with a banana hanging high on a rope from the roof of the cage (outside the reach of the monkeys). The researcher then put a step ladder enabling the monkeys to reach the banana. However, whenever one of the monkeys attempted to climb and reach for the banana, ALL monkeys were sprayed with freezing ice cold water. After few attempts, they all learned the association between...
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Acidosis and Alkalosis
Read moreAdrenal Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements play a very important role in healing from adrenal fatigue. They not only speed your recovery but are also often necessary for complete recovery to take place at all. The supplements described in this section are chosen specifically for their restorative effects on the adrenal glands. The significance of each will be briefly...
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Adrenal Fatigue Questionaire
Read moreAdrenal Fatigue Questions and Answers
What is Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a group of related signs and symptoms (a syndrome) that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level. Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can also arise during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory infections such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia. As the name suggests, its chief symptom is fatigue unrelieved...
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Adrenal supplements, Dr J Wilson
Read moreAlmost 1/3 West Coast newborns may face thyroid problems
Tulio Simonchini is an Italian doctor who claims that cancer is nothing but a fungus that can be gotten rid of with baking soda. He also claims that he has used this method and has treated thousands of patients who had suffered from various types of cancer. According to doctor Simonchini, this treating method is 100 percent effective. The best thing about this treatment method is that it is not harmful at all and you...
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Asparagus - Cancer
Read moreAstaxanthin
We are just beginning to understand the wonderful health benefits that Natural Astaxanthin (pronounced asta-ZAN-thin) can bring to humans, as well as animals. While many studies have already been done, there is still potential for a great deal more to be discovered. I foresee a time not too long from now when Astaxanthin (although difficult to pronounce) becomes a household word.
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Astaxanthin Book
Read moreBeginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreBiofilm Bacteria
Read moreBiofilms Can Cause Infections That Won’t Clear – What to Do About It with Dr. Paul Anderson
Biofilms Can Cause Infections That Won’t Clear – What to Do About It with Dr. Paul Anderson February 14, 2018 by Dr. Ruscio Biofilms are protective coatings that bacteria and fungus form to protect themselves from antibiotics and herbal treatment. Biofilms may be at the root of infections that won’t go away like Candida, fungus, H. pylori and SIBO. Today I speak with Dr. Paul Anderson on how to identify if biofilms are affecting you...
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Bob Beck Devices Protocol
Bob Beck’s Legacy
Guide to using the beck protocol
The four parts of the Beck Protocol
Translated Versions Available
1. Wrist Pulsing to revitalize the blood. Wrist Pulsing is also known as Blood Electrification or Microcurrent Therapy.
2. Pulsed Magnetic Fields for lymph and tissue electrification.
3. Ionic Colloidal Silver to help the immune system.
4. Freshly Ozonated Water to oxygenate and help flush wastes.
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Cancer-Hemp: The Most Medicinal Plant In The World
Read moreCandida-Oats for Gastrointestinal Health
Read moreCayenne Pepper
Read moreChanging the Gut Ecosystem With Probiotics-Part 2
Read moreChanging the Gut Micro!ora in Chronic Fatigue-Part 3
Read moreChanging Your Gut Flora-Food to Feed the Good Bacteria in Chronic Fatigue-Part 1
Read moreChronic Fatigue - Patient and Family Responsibilities
This is a chapter from Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker Patient and Family Responsibilities As I indicated in an earlier chapter, few conditions in medicine require of the patient such a large responsibility for recovery as does Adrenal Syndrome. Undoubtedly, this is one of the major reasons it is so ignored; few practitioners are willing to spend the necessary time and effort to program, manage, and...
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Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker
Read moreCoconut Oil-Candida Research
Read moreComparative Study on the Antibacterial Activities of Neem Oil, Mustard oil and Black Seed Oil Against Pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella Typhi and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Read moreContagious Diseases and the Germ Theory
Read moreCure all Diseases, Hulda Clark
Read moreDiabetes-How to Help HEAL It Without Drugs or Surgery
Read moreDiet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding
by Herbert Shelton
We have become so artificial in our habits of thinking that it almost invariably occurs that when a discovery of the value of some type of food is made, we think immediately of some artificial way to secure the benefits of the discovery. We seem to be afraid of natural foods. Food manufacturers find us easy dupes and sell us all manners of patented foods that are guaranteed to be "just as good" as or even better than the natural product. Another group exploit sea weeds as supplements to our diet and sell enormous quantities of these unpalatable substances.
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Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreDiet, Microbiome, and Human Health
The influence of microorganisms residing in the intestine (gut microbiota) on human health and disease is an area of intense research as health and well-being is of primary concern to us. The gut microbiome (gut microbiota and its collective genomes) plays a key role in homeostasis in humans and a strong relationship exists between diet, microbiota, and our health
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Dmso_ Nature's Healer - Morton Walker
The American Medical Association (AMA) held a leadership conference the weekend of February 14, 1981, and one of its speakers was Otis R. Bowen, M.D. Dr. Bowen is former governor of Indiana, a leader in medicine, management, and politics. In his presentation to the AMA, he shocked the assembly by admitting that he took the law into his own hands and used an illegal drug to ease his wife’s pain while she was dying....
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Dom's Sucessful Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
Read moreDry Fasting
Read moreEffects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreEnzyme Nutrition The Food Enzyme Concept by Edward Howell
BENEFITS OF FASTING Why Fast? Water fasting eliminates addictions, bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns. During the fast, the palate recovers its natural sensitivity to simple foods. Salt, sugar, fats and processed foods become naturally unattractive. Fasting is an ideal time to be introspective and honest with oneself. It is conducive to quiet observation of thought patterns and values. Fasting allows the body to return to it’s normal or correct way of functioning, the way...
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Fasting Can Save Your Life
Read moreFasting Study
Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects
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Feeding Mothers
Read moreFluoride: The Deadly Legacy by Gary Null, Ph.D
There's nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one's thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer may well be yes. For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the...
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Fruits, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreFulvic Acid Report
Read moreFulvic – The Miracle Molecule
Read moreFulvic-Remove Heavy Metals from Body
Read moreGenetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
"This study was just routine," said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry. For more information please follow this link.
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Good Teeth From Birth to Death
with DR. GERARD F. JUDD, Ph.D. GOODBYE TO TOOTH CAVITIES! GUM INFECTION IS NOW ENDED! by Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Chemistry and Fluoride Researcher May 5, 2001 I now place in everyone's hand the complete answer to tooth cavities. Following this procedure there will not be one more cavity, one more gingivitis case, or one more fluorosed, brittle, cracked tooth in the world. Bad teeth in Ireland, Canada, the USA, Britain, Australia and New...
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Gospel of Peace
Read moreHawaiian Spirulina
Read moreHealing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs
Read moreHIV-coconut oil
Read moreHow Diet Foods and Drinks Can Actually Cause, NOT Prevent Diabetes
Read moreHow to Decline Vaccination
How to LEGALLY Decline a Vaccine: 1. Do not REFUSE a vaccine otherwise you will be considered a belligerent. Instead you can politely decline their services by doing the following: 2. Ask the Doctor if the vaccine contains MRC-5 in it (they all do, these are aborted fetal cells and other DNA) If it does, you have the RIGHT to decline. 3. Ask the Doctor if there is the possibility of “Lactogenic reaction” (an adverse...
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How we Become Acid
Read moreHumic Fulvic Substances Info
ABOUT HUMIC FULVIC SUBSTANCES Fulvic acids defined Fulvic ~word origin: [ful < Old English < full] full of, characterized by, having the qualities of, having the ability or tendency to, apt to alteration, to bend, to change. Also [fulvus <Latin>] deep yellow, reddish yellow, golden, or tawny color. ~definition: Fulvic is an extremely complex bioactive yellow organic substance, the ultimate aerobic decomposition product of all living matter, with unusual and exceptional qualities and abilities...
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Hydrogen Peroxide Enema
Read moreHypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreIodine for Greatest Mental and Physical Health- Dr G Abraham, Dr. J Flechas
Read moreIodine Kills Candida
In vitro susceptibility of Candida albicans to four disinfectants and their combinations.Waltimo TM, Orstavik D, Sirén EK, Haapasalo MP.SourceNIOM, Scandinavivan Institute of Dental Materials, Haslum, Norway. tuomas.waltimo@helsinki.fiAbstractAIM:The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of seven strains of Candida albicans to four disinfectants: iodine potassium iodide, chlorhexidine acetate, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide. In addition, all possible pairs of the disinfectants were tested in order to...
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Iodine-Clinical Experience
Read moreIodine-How to take
The correct procedure for using Magnascent Iodine is as follows: Put one or two ounces of water in a glass and, using the dropper provided, drop the desired number of drops into the water. Drink the resulting mixture within a few minutes. The mixture becomes activated when the iodine is dropped into the water and is active for the next few hours inside the human body.
Our iodine is best taken mixed in water only (not...
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Read moreIodine-The Great Iodine Debate
Read moreIodine-The Universal & Holistic Super Mineral
Read moreIodine-What is Nascent Iodine?
"Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral found in seawater and soils. It is an essential trace element for life and is found in food and salt that the body requires. Iodine's main role in human biology is as a constituent of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland actively absorbs iodide from the blood to make and release these hormones back into the blood. Thyroid hormones play a basic role in biology, acting to regulate metabolism. The...
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Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses
Read moreK2-The Most Important Vitamin You've Never Heard Of
The Most Important Vitamin You've Never Heard Of (Until Now): K2 By Tom Bayne, DC More than 100 million Americans suffer from preventable diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. As a health care provider, my goal is to help patients regain their health, but that isn't always easy. Suboptimal diets, such as the Standard American Diet (SAD), lead to various micronutrient deficiencies, which we often seek to address through supplementation. For example, many...
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Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome
There is little doubt that that many people have lost touch with nature, having been born into our modern "civilized" world. There is also little doubt that this fact has greatly impacted the health of generations of both city dwellers and impoverished communities around the world. One the best examples of this problem can be illustrated by examining the incredible magnesium deficiency that exists. This widespread problem is underdiagnosed, difficult to correct with diet, and...
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Magnesium, Mark Sircus
Magnesium in Modern Medicine Magnesium is nearly miraculous for the depth and scope of its application. It really is not an exaggeration to say that miracles in medicine would be achieved if people’s magnesium deficiency were addressed instead of ignored. Certainly many lives would be saved if non-toxic medicines were favored over toxic ones. This is not idle medical banter and the entire medical community will eventually have to reorient itself by putting magnesium,...
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Malaria Finally Defeated
The worst disease of mankind, malaria, a disease that has killed more humans than all the wars of mankind, was finally defeated and the defeat was proven a fact by the Red Cross on the 16th of December 2012. The location was Africa, in the country of Uganda, Luuka District. The test was conducted by the International Red Cross, the Uganda Red Cross, the local health authorities, and other Ugandan scientists and laboratories. Total scientific...
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Malaria Overcome
One the most important medical clinical trial to ever be conducted was started on the 11th of December 2012 and lasted 4 days. This one trial is likely to impact more people and more countries than any such trial that has ever been conducted before. This clinical trial was conducted by a division of the International Red Cross, the Uganda Red Cross and the local Uganda Health Department. More than 600 people were tested. All...
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Mineral Balance Article
Read moreMMS-Chlorine Dioxide_Efficacy_HaloxTech
Read moreMMS-Fraud or Miracle
The Country of Spain Attacks MMS
On 10/25/2012, Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, our MMS Bishop in Spain, was invited, via an internet contact, to give a talk in Spain for people on the topic of “MMS, Fraud or Miracle.” The talk was to be given from a scientific perspective, as Andreas is primarily interested in the study of MMS from a scientific standpoint, and it was to be given in the workplace of the two...
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MMS-On The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites - An Overview
The purpose of this article is to propose research. Nothing in this article is intended as medical advice. No claims, promises nor guarantees are made. ABSTRACT Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) can be acidified as a convenient method to produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2) which is a strong oxidant and a potent disinfectant. A protocol has been developed whereby a solution of these compounds can be taken orally. This procedure rapidly eliminates malaria and other...
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Read moreMy Personal Story of Mega-dosing Vitamin C
My Personal Story of Mega-dosing Vitamin C by Allen Cohen (OMNS August 9, 2020) I am 78 years old, and have been taking 30,000 mg/day of vitamin C for over 40 years. And I do not get sick! As a child and up until my mid-30s I had to deal with many food allergies, such as dairy, nuts, strawberries, chocolate, and many others, which made going out with friends to restaurants sometimes an ordeal. The...
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Neem- A Tree For Solving Global Problems.
Read moreNew Treatment for SIBO and IBS-C—with Dr. Kenneth Brown
RHR: New Treatment for SIBO and IBS-C—with Dr. Kenneth Brown BY Chris Kresser LAST UPDATED ON April 26, 2019 As you know, I treat a lot of patients with gastrointestinal issues. Two of the most challenging conditions to treat are methane-predominant SIBO and constipation-predominant IBS. Join me as I talk with Dr. Kenneth Brown, a practicing physician and clinical researcher who has been specializing in treating these conditions for the past 15 years. We discuss...
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Read moreNo Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton
Read moreNuts
President Obama is full of surprises. But even expectant reporters were taken aback when White House science adviser John Holdren used his first interview on April 18, 2009 to announce, “Global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air.”
For more informaiton please follow this link.
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Oil Pulling
Read morePantry Moths
Read morePC Liposomal Encapsulation Technology
Read moreRaw Medicine-Hightimes
Read moreRaw Oats for Gastrointestinal Health
Read moreRoot Canals Contain Toxic Bacterium
Root Canals Contain Toxic Bacterium For Immediate Release
New DNA study confirms decades old research that root canals contain toxic bacterium that may be the "root" cause of many diseases. Executive Summary:
Root canals have become ubiquitous — almost 60 million are performed each year. "You need a root canal" is now almost as common as hearing you need a filling. And, it is not lost on the dental profession that people do not want...
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SIBO: A Natural Approach
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as an increase in the number of bacteria, and/or changes in the types of bacteria present in the small bowel. In most patients, SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria, but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that should normally be found in the colon. Less commonly, SIBO results from an increase in the otherwise normal bacteria of the small bowel.
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Spike Protein Detox Guide
Read moreSpirulina Info
Spirulina Benefits Spirulina has all the health benefits of any nutritious whole food. It is packed with protein, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s often taken be people who lack a good source of protein in their diets, such as vegetarians. It’s even been said to ward off several types of cancer, especially mouth cancer. Rather than take synthetic multi-vitamins, many people take Spirulina tablets. The nutrients in this healthy blue-green algae are...
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Sprouting Benefits
Roasted, Raw or Sprouted? Most nuts come from the seeds or dried fruits of trees and have an outer shell that is nature’s perfect way of protecting the nut kernel and keeps the healthy fats from spoiling. Hermetically sealed the nut does not become contaminated and spoiled as does meat, for example. Unfortunately though, most nuts are shelled and oxidation begins. Worse still, these “raw” nuts are heated above 140 F and are no longer...
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Sunlight by Zane R. Kime
Read moreSynthetic Vitamins and Minerals
You've probably noticed that you can buy vitamins and minerals at your local supermarket and your local drugstore as well as at health food stores. You may have thought that maybe the vitamins and minerals in the health food stores were in some way better or were higher quality? Or maybe you've just assumed that the ones in the supermarket or drugstore are just as good? Well, funnily enough, you were right - except for...
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Takeaways from the 2017 Integrative SIBO Conference
Takeaways from the 2017 Integrative SIBO Conference Practice update from the speakers By Natural Medicine Journal Printer Friendly Page The 2017 Integrative SIBO Conference took place March 25-26 at the National University of the Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois. Take-home messages have been summarized by fellow presenters (and one attendee) and are provided here for the benefit of both those who attended the conference and those who missed it. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is...
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The Essene Gospel of Peace-Book One
The Original Hebrew and Aramaic Texts
Translated and edited by
Book Design by Golondrina Graohics
Copyright @ 1981, by the Internation,l Blogenic Society
Printed In the United States of America-All Rights Reserved And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. "if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may...
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The Flu (Our Friend)
Read moreThe hidden ingredient in engineered food
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The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
Read moreThe Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
Read moreThe Milk Diet
Dr Porter treated 1800 patients with milk. Remarkable permanent cures have been credited to the Porter Method contained within this book.
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The Truth about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Read moreThe Ultimate Vitamin K2 Resource
If there’s a single vitamin you need to know more about, it’s vitamin K2. The first reason is you’re probably not getting enough. The second is that it doesn’t get the attention it deserves, and it’s really hard to find reliable and easy-to-use information about it. This resource is meant to change that. It begins by teaching you everything you need to know about the vitamin, including its benefits, how much you need, and how...
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Read moreTocotrienol-Effects of Supplementation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers
Read moreTocotrienols and Breast Cancer
Read moreUniversal Immunization
Readable by the layperson; fully-documented. The practice of childhood immunization is exposed as a dangerous fraud. Obomsawin points to nutrition and soil fertility as the real solutions to infective illness. The book contains one of the best summaries of the enormous values of some basic vitamins--A and C--in building resistance to disease, and shows how those who develop infectious disease are generally deficient. This book was based upon research that Obomsawin undertook in the early...
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Vaccine ingredients
Vaccine Ingredients:
MSG, antifreeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, glycerin, lead, cadmium, sulphates, yeast, proteins, antibiotics, acetone, neomycin, streptomycin, mercury, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf serum, aborted fetal tissue, pig blood, horse blood,
rabbit brain, guinea pig, cow heart, animal viruses, insect cells, silkworm DNA, etc
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Vaccine Injury
Read moreVitamin C Flush
Vitamin C has many important roles in the body, including supporting the production of collagen within the tissues and enhancing the activities of the immune system. It can sometimes be difficult to consume enough vitamin C-rich foods and, sadly, our food supply contains less and less of this water-soluble nutrient because of premature food harvesting, artificial ripening and food processing. Nobel Laureate Dr Linus Pauling was perhaps the best known advocate of the benefits of...
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Vitamin C for COVID-19
Landmark publication on vitamin C for COVID-19 Story at-a-glance While health authorities and mainstream media have ignored, if not outright opposed, the use of vitamin C and other supplements in the treatment of COVID-19, citing lack of clinical evidence, a landmark review recommends the use of vitamin C as an adjunctive therapy for respiratory infections, sepsis and COVID-19 According to the authors, “Vitamin C’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects make it a potential...
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Vitamin C- Linus Pauling Inst
Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals and other animals, humans do not have the ability to synthesize vitamin C and must obtain it from the diet. (More information) • Vitamin C is an essential cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions, e.g., in the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, and neuropeptides, and in the regulation of gene expression. It is also a potent antioxidant. (More information) • Prospective cohort studies...
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Vitamin C-Surviving Ebola
Surviving Ebola! Steve Hickey PhD and Hilary Roberts PhD Emerging diseases, such as Ebola, pose an increasing risk to health as the virus adapts, allowing it to spread in the human population. People are understandably concerned about epidemics with such a high death rate: up to 90% in this case. It is possible for people to reduce their risk of death from this and other emerging viral diseases, using vitamin C. However, in order...
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Vitamin E Component Dramatically More Effective at Supporting Heart Health
Read moreVitamin E, By Theodore M. Rudolph
Read moreVitamin E—Understanding Tocopherols and Tocotrienols
Read moreWater Kefir Instructions
How To Rehydrate Urban Mystic Dehydrated Organic Water Kefir Grains Urban Mystic Legacy Dehydrated Organic Water Kefir Grains are a safe option when they will be in transit across Canada, or around the world, since they are in a dormant state and will not degrade or be as likely to be damaged as the fresh grains. It should take about a week or so to 'wake up' and rebalance the Water Kefir Grains to where...
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Why Butter Is Better
Article writen by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD
When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn't block America's growing interest in diet and nutrition, a movement that would ultimately put an end to America's biggest and most monopolistic industries, they infiltrated the movement and put a few sinister twists on information going out to the public. Item number one in the disinformation campaign was the assertion that naturally saturated fats from animal sources are the root cause of the current heart disease and cancer plague. Butter bore the brunt of the attack, and was accused of terrible crimes. The Diet Dictocrats told us that it was better to switch to polyunsaturated margarine and most Americans did. Butter all but disappeared from our tables, shunned as a miscreant.
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You Can Heal Your Child's Teeth!
Causes and Treatments for Early Childhood & Childhood Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel Summary of the cause, and Treatment of Early Childhood Caries or Tooth Decay The current theory of tooth decay is not accurate. It is based on an outdated model of germs causing disease. While it is supposed that tooth decay is caused by Strep Mutans, we see that this is either highly unlikely, or impossible since the Strep Mutans would have...
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You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
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